We all run day to night, some physically but most mentally. Working tirelessly to make money & then complaining – oh! I’m suffering, I don’t have peace. And I want happiness.
It’s a task to find inner sense of peace and happiness in this chaotic and stressful lifestyle. Doesn’t it?
Inner peace isn’t something that comes to us naturally. It’s something you make and cultivate within yourself.
And for that, you really don’t have to go too far to become a monk and meditate in the Himalayas. Yes. you heard me right!
It’s as simple as taking a few minutes each day for yourself to focus on your breath or sipping your hot coffee with a sense of calmness.
so, in this article, we will discuss the 7 powerful ways how you can find an inner sense of peace and happiness.
Let’s get started.
Table of Contents
What is inner peace?
Inner peace is a state of calmness & tranquility where you feel at home with yourself and the world around you. finding inner sense of peace and happiness doesn’t depend on a trouble-free life. No, of course not. But attaining happiness, and bliss in life. No matter how things unfolded in our lives.
Don’t you feel, we’ve challenges almost every day?
Why do we need to find inner peace in our life?
Picture this –
“You have been stuck in a traffic jam for the past half an hour. Your AC isn’t working. you’ve to reach the office as soon as possible as your boss is calling you repeatedly. The cars are honking “
What will you do?
Either you’ll – get out of the car and start barking, or you will maintain the peace of mind to tackle the situation calmly.
We need to find inner peace to –
- Not being easily affected by negative surroundings
- To deal with everyday dramas
- Ability to handle our emotions in tough times
- To focus on what really matters in life
Now finally delve into finding the 7 best ways.
7 Powerful ways to find inner sense of peace and happiness
1. Practicing self-acceptance
Life is a blend of hardships and different experiences. It isn’t always perfect. Right!
There are situations that we can’t control and it’s normal to feel anxious while dealing with them. Instead of gulping from stress and a cycle of regrets, we must focus on practicing self-acceptance.
Now, it doesn’t mean – you just yield in & accept defeat. Rather, it’s about accepting the laws of life.
When we refuse to accept the situation, we fall into the trap of resistance. And this is the beginning of our suffering which further develops into stress and anxiety.
How to practice self-acceptance?
It surely takes a lot of courage to accept the real circumstances in life. After all, we are human beings.
The key is “sooner we accept, the less will we suffer“
Here’s how you can practice it –
- Learn to let go of the things, you can’t change
- Embrace the imperfections
- Practice mindfulness
- Celebrate your little accomplishments
Trust me, from here you will automatically start to adopt a forgiving nature. This acceptance can be the first step towards finding a deeper inner sense of peace and happiness.
2. Practice forgiveness
Do you know Life always forgives you? How?
Let me help you to remember!
It forgives you when you cut your finger, it forgives you when you eat something unhealthy.
Why can’t we forgive ourselves so easily?
Practicing forgiveness isn’t really about the other person but for you & your inner sense of peace and happiness.
Commonly, forgiveness is some magnanimous act, rather it’s a bit selfish – to free yourself from the burden of emotions that are not serving you. Your inner peace is more important, right?
I’d been in the trap of blame game for quite a long time. I would lament – why did this happen to me? Or why was I so foolish? But then I started shifting my mind to – how can I forgive? and it changed everything.
How to practice Forgiveness?
The process of forgiveness requires effort, lots of patience, and self-love. But it gives us the reward of a peaceful mind in the end. Here are some best ways to practice –
- Use of the four R’s of forgiveness
- Responsibility
- Remorse
- Restoration
- Renewal
- Stop judging yourself harshly
- Reaching out to the people who you are sorry for
- Let it out all –
- Jot down your bottling feelings in a journal
- Scream, if you can
- Go for a run
As we become more forgiving, we begin to appreciate the value of all goods in our lives.
3. Gratitude
You know what the easiest thing to do than complaining about a messed up life is being grateful.
Gratitude is a buzzword nowadays on social media. It’s definitely more than just saying – “Thank You”.
In its simple form gratitude is that attitude of appreciation for what we have rather than lamenting what we lack.
Practicing gratitude in our daily routines can foster an inner sense of peace and happiness and open the gate to a balanced and fulfilling life.
How to Practice Gratitude
It is important to be grateful in life for the things we have. Here are some best ways to practice it –
- Heep a gratitude journal and fill three pages daily
- Say thank you to others
- Do volunteering
- Thank You letter to yourself
In appreciating what we have, we are heading toward the power of mindfulness to find our inner sense of peace and happiness.
4. Discovering the power of Mindfulness
When was the last time you sat with yourself and quietly sipped your regular morning coffee?
You will say, well I don’t have time.
Mindfulness in simple words – is about being in the present moment. By discovering the power of mindfulness, we can teach the mind to be still in the present, instead of dwelling in the past and traveling into the future.
Our mind can be out of control without the skill of mindfulness. Isn’t it?
A 2019 study at the University of Massachusetts found that the MBSR program (mindfulness-based stress reduction), was effective at increasing well-being & reducing stress.
Mindfulness isn’t about stopping thoughts but about paying attention. Our inner peace and happiness isn’t somewhere in the future – it’s right here in front of us.
How to discover the power of mindfulness?
If you’re a beginner, then you should consider these ways –
- Focus on breath – inhale and exhale
- Start daily mindful affirmations
- Practicing guided meditation
- Ban the entry of useless past thoughts
After discovering the power of mindfulness, you’ll ultimately develop a good relationship with yourself while exploring the self.
5. Develop love for yourself
Don’t you think developing love for yourself is crucial in finding inner peace and happiness? How could you be happy, if you don’t treat yourself with some self-care?
Let me warn you that if you don’t have a healthy relationship with yourself, people are going to take it lightly.
Loving yourself includes – looking for your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, Basically scheduling some – “Me time”.
How to develop love for yourself?
Here are some ways to have a healthy relationship with yourself. It includes –
- Spend time on your skincare
- Do mindful activities such as yoga
- Eat healthy food
- Writing love letters to yourself
Well, you must not forget to take a walk in nature alone. This paves the way to find another way of finding peace and happiness – spending some quality time in nature.
6. Spending time with Nature
Natural and green spaces soothe our minds. No doubt. In particular, spending time with nature eases emotional turbulence and fosters feelings of an inner sense of calmness and joy.
When you spend time with nature, there is something inside all of us that feels connected. Our minds get carried away by the beauty of nature, leaving a healing touch.
I have a habit of spending some time in nature every evening which helps me sweep away all the stress from the day.
How can you spend time in nature?
There are certainly several ways to connect with nature. They are –
- Watch sunrise and sunsets
- Go for a walk daily in the morning
- Take forest bath
- Do meditation in nature
7. Habit of Meditation
Well, meditation habits have many proven benefits for our physical & Mental well-being.
You may already be aware of – what meditation is all about.
It’s a wide concept though, but it is all about training the mind to become more focussed.
I recall a period in my life when I was struggling with anxiety and fears.
Then I turned towards the habit of meditation for my inner peace.
I started with a – “ 21 days challenge “
After a while, I noticed certain changes in my behavior. My focus increased and a sense of inner peace and silence flowed in my mind.
How to Make a Habit of Meditation?
Find a comfortable spot inside or outside, away from the hustle-bustle. Close your eyes. Put your hand on your thighs. Take a deep breath and concentrate your mind on one thought. Or just no thought. Let it out slowly.
Final Thought
So, achieving inner peace and happiness is possible. You just need to have faith in the process and some patience. I hope these described 7 powerful ways to find an inner sense of peace and happiness will help.
As John f. Kenney says – “ peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures
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That’s a fabulous Blog, I loved it. Keep writing and helping us with your helpful blog.
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