Table of Contents
We’re so soaked in our day-to-day Life problems that we almost take good things for granted. We are entangled in endless complaints, comparisons, and playing blame games. So much so that, we suffer from stress, anxiety, and mental pains.
That’s why it’s crucial to focus on good things in life. for that-
I’ve compiled 31 Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts for a grateful life.
Daily gratitude journaling paves the way for us to recognize what we are grateful for. It also impacts our overall health and well-being positively.
Studies have found that people with gratitude report more optimism and satisfaction in life.
Now, you would be saying – ‘nothing to be so grateful for, life is a mess, boring routines’ and so on.
Pause for a minute.
Leave all your problems and think deeply.
‘The good food you eat every day, the cozy bed you sleep in, the roof over you, you’ve books to read, you see this beautiful nature, feel the breeze and sky every day, you sip your tasty coffee every morning, you’ve people around taking care of you’
Aren’t you thankful for them? Are they too small to catch your attention?
Take your time to ponder.
Here in this blog, we’ll be discussing what the Gratitude journal is all about, How to start a gratitude journal? What are the benefits of a gratitude journal? And most important the 31 daily gratitude journal prompts.
Let’s dive in!
What is the Gratitude Journal?
A gratitude journal is simply a journal or a notebook where you just write down the things you feel content for having in life.
I’d say it’s a personal and very safe space. Isn’t it?
This writing is for pinpointing those minuscule good things that remain unacknowledged. Writing our thoughts on a piece of paper does sort of magic.
The mess we create in our minds about various aspects of our day-to-day lives can only be cleared by writing them. And do some reflection
Gratitude journaling prompts are the type of questions that will guide you to get into that mindset of thankfulness.
So, ask yourself some kind of questions. And then, do some brainstorming to collect answers. Jot them down in a journal.
So simple.
How to start a Daily Gratitude Journal step by step?
Good thing! There are no rules for writing a gratitude journal.
Sometimes, it’s a bit challenging to start a daily gratitude journaling as a beginner. We’re kind of confused -what to do gratitude for? What to write in a journal? Where to start with?
Let me guide you on how to start a daily gratitude journal step by step.
1. The first step to start a daily gratitude journaling is to buy a beautiful notebook and a pen.
Thats it!
2. Find an isolated and quiet place in your home like – your room, outside in nature. Sit there every morning to do this ritual according to your time. It may be for 10 min.
Remember to name this spot as your ‘Daily Gratitude Journal Ritual‘ place.
3. On the first page write your intention for daily journaling. For this ask yourself a question – why do I want to start a journal?
Maybe you want an inner sense of peace and happiness, or you want to feel enough, or you want to improve your life by rewiring your thought process.
For me personally, my why is – The Clarity of Life.
4. Start with jotting the daily gratitude journal prompts in the form of questions.
5. Write down your sentiments deeply while answering them. Keep it simple and allow your pen to flow.
A feeling of thankfulness at the moment is slightly necessary.
I know life is not easy and most of the time we really don’t have reasons to be grateful for. But, we may be somehow better than those, whose suffering is much more.
We should appreciate our better life.
For sure.
Here are the 31 Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts for a grateful life.
31 Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts for a Grateful Life
Daily Gratitude Journal prompts
1. What are the 3 things in life I am thankful for?
2. What is that unique thing in me I am thankful for?
3. Ask- ‘3 things I like about myself’?
4. Who is there in your life that solves every mess you create?
5. Which are the moments that were held last month, that I feel great about?
6. What made me smile yesterday?
7. What do I appreciate about the life I am currently living?
8. Who is that person you’ve met recently and thankful for?
9. Ask the 2 happy moments that I experienced today.
10. Ask-’did I manifest something recently? What am I grateful for?
11. What risks did I thankfully take this year, to make myself better?
12. Ask- ‘Who is that person who has greatly impacted my life and how’?
13. What is so great about my health, that I am grateful for?
14. Ask- what have I achieved recently that my past self always longed for?
15. Ask- what are the things that differentiate me from others?
16. What are the new lessons I have learned in the last month that opened my eyes?
17. How do I feel grateful for the way I make money?
18. Ask- what kind of pleasure do my relationships bring into my life?
19. What are the 5 things about nature that I love and feel blessed with?
20. What is that important thing which you will be achieving till the end of this month?
21. Ask – how have I been able to build my career? Why am I thankful for that?
22. Write about the things I’m thankful for but I’ve always taken them for granted.
23. How do I cherish my valuable inner self?
24. Write a letter of gratitude to someone who I feel thankful for.
25. Write about that time when someone showed me kindness without any expectation. How did it make me feel?
26. Think about that place, I’ve visited lately and it holds deep meaning for me.
27. What is that one special experience in my life which makes me feel so blessed?
28. When was a time, I helped somebody else and how did it make my day?
29. Which activity I’ve started recently that brings me joy and happiness and why am I thankful for it?
30. Ask – what is that comfort food, I love to eat on my down days and I’m grateful to afford them?
31. How am I grateful to god for my beautiful body and my sensory powers?
What are the benefits of a Gratitude Journal?
A study review taken from more than 26,000 people showed an association between gratitude and depression. It indicates that people who are engaged in gratitude have lower levels of depression.
Here are some more benefits of a Gratitude Journal-
- Calm your mood
- Better mental health
- Boost confidence
- Mindfulness activity
- Clarity of life
- Enhance self-awareness
Remember, daily gratitude journaling is a very personal journey for a grateful life. There is no perfect way to do it. Write anything with a heart, full of thankfulness and gratitude.
And you’re good to go on living a fulfilling life.
So, applaud the positivity and abundance in this nature. Do not underestimate the happiness and satisfaction that tiny things bring to us. Celebrate it to the heart.
I hope these 31 daily gratitude journal prompts will help you live a grateful and mindful life.
Happy Journalling!
And yes!
I am thankful that you read the blog up to the end.
See you soon with more journal prompt ideas. Have a good day!